Ashtanga Yoga Classes - Cork City

Ashtanga Yoga

This is a semi-guided Ashtanga yoga class open to all levels of experience, from beginners to those with an established Ashtanga practice.

The teacher leads all students through the fundamental standing asanas using Sanskrit counting for the first portion of the class, helping students connect movement with breath. After that, students are given 1:1 guidance from the teacher to grow their practice.

Beginners are taught how to memorize the sequence, learn new poses over time and how to adapt them for their unique needs. Established practitioners continue their practice in their own time and are assisted by the teacher like in a Mysore class.

Level: All levels (including beginners) welcome

Time: Thursday 7:30 - 9:00 pm

Location: Cork Lotus Yoga, 2-4 Carey's Lane, Cork, T12 YY89

Booking: Register at Cork Lotus Yoga

Pricing: Drop-in, class passes & memberships available here. Discounted concession rates available on request.

Other Classes @ Cork Lotus Yoga

I occasionally teach other classes and workshops at Cork Lotus Yoga outside of this weekly schedule along side a great group of yoga teachers! As well as my Ashtanga Classes, Cork Lotus Yoga offers Vinyasa Yoga Levels 1, 2 & 3, Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga & Yogalates. There are also regular workshops and trainings on offer in the studio, and there’s an online library of classes for home practice on offer too.

Check out the schedule here! Cork Lotus Yoga

If you are new to the Ashtanga practice, here’s a 30 minute video by David & Jelena Yoga covering the fundamental asanas you’ll be learning in the first class. This is also a great resource to get started with practicing at home, and it’s what I practice myself when I’m short on time!